Two new shows coming- see the pages to your left for METTLE and IS THAT A WHIP IN YOUR HAND?


For Autumn 2025, a follow-up to THE GHOST OF A SMILE, called THE GOOSEBUMPS OF DELIGHT! -Being two more of Dickens' ghost storoes including his inspiration for A CHRISTMAS CAROL - THE GOBLINS WHO STOLE A SEXTON...


In May 2025, a return trip to the Orlando Fringe with DONE TO DEATH BY JOVE


Plus an exciting co-production/comedy for Spring 2026...


Looking to book a date? Please contact us.


In January 2023 we resumed our link with Seaside, Florida (USA) with a 4-week visit, in part to create a new show comissioned by The Rep Theater - a new 'take' on Mary Shelley's classic 'Frankenstein'.


(Pic above in Seaside- GR [right] and Nicholas Collett)





In the latter part of 2016 - October/November - a 3-week season in The Rep Theater, Seaside, in Florida, took place, as a result of the R&D in January 2016 made possible through a grant from USA-based organisation 'Escape to Create' which supports Artists each year specifically to allow them time out to focus on new projects.


Gavin was accompanied by Nicholas Collet ('Spitfire Solo' and 'Nelson - The Sailor's' Story [both directed by Gavin]) and Nicholas presented his own solo 'Your Bard', celebrating the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth, also directed by GR.

The other two shows in the season were 'Bond' and 'The Six-Sided Man'.


As a result, further return visits took place in  Autumn 2016, Autumn 2017, Autumn 2021...


Oh - and if Gavin's photos here of Seaside look vaguely familiar it's where they shot 'The Truman Show'. Clean-looking isn't it!


More news as and when we have any!